Saturday, November 22, 2008 8:33:00 PM
Happy Engagement to Lyana and Amir!!
Finally!! My elder cuzzin is engaged! She is so pretty!! Haiz.. Very lucky too.. =) Well, anyways, today is her engagement ceremony whereby we were all gathered at the Rendezvous Hotel. Its opposite SMU der la. Haha.. To me its just an engagement la, but since my cuzzin is married to e son of people with pangkat(rank) der, must make it nice la.. And yar, e antaran is $15,000! OMG... So much la, but for my cuz, of course must be high la.. Haha. I didn't take much photos la, coz it was so bz, but at least ders sumting rite?? Haha.. To my surprise ders also my cuz's ex bf dat came. Haha, I wonder how he felt seeing my cuz getting engage to another guy u noe. Haha.. Aniwaez, Im glad it's all over. So tired. I slpt e whole evening when I came back. Haha, well, here's e pics. I wudn't talk so much abt it cos I got work tml. So yea.. Nitez!        
Sunday, November 16, 2008 2:26:00 PM
Updates, updates, updates.. Sometimes, I'm too lazy to update my blog u noe.. Haha.. The last update was 5 November, and today is the 16th!! Haha.. Omg... So long. And fast too.. In a blink of an eye, 2 weeks has past juz like dat. Let's see.. Skul's a bit boring for the past week. Monday, Communication, it was the last week for the group, means tml, I change to another group. Haha.. I was so glad. E blur person in my group, hardly did any work ok?? Den expect us to give her slides for her to present. Wat an asshole! Haiz.. Cognitive, change group.. Lucky my group is a bit ok la.. Can do a bit here and der. Haha.. Wed, Science, e stupid feaces bitch! I hate her to e core. She seems nice but terribly unreasonable ALL THE TIME!! Argh!! My class hates her for dat u noe.. Haiz.. Thursday, was Enterprise.. Change group also, e blur is again in my group!! So irritating la.. Haiz.. Nvr do anything... Whateva, Im not bothered by her. Stupid.. Friday, Maths group with 2 foreign workers.. Ok ok la.. Can sure make it. Haha.. Saturday.... Let's see... Was bz helping my mom I think. But sunday, went out wif my cuz to a nearby swimming pool to bring my baby brother for a short swim. Since she bought him a swimming shirt n pampers that is specially for swimming. Haha.. Here's e pics dat I took.. Ders some vids too..
  So ydae, I went out wif my mom an my siblings cos we need to find new outfits for my cuz's engagement next saturday.. Was so tired.. Cos we buy so many things, my outfit, my brother's outfit, his shoes, my mom's shoes, my sis jacket, brooches and lots more.. Haha.. I didnt excatly took pictures abt e outing la.. Oni my bro before we left e house.. Haha.. Den after e outing, we went to my cuz house to eat chicken rice and steam boat!! Wuhooo....!! Nice and delicious!! Cos my cuz bf was here and he wants to eat steamboat.. Haha.. Hmm.. Well, here's e pics of my bro..
Wednesday, November 05, 2008 3:55:00 PM
RP is full of FEACES!!!
As you all noe, I am currently in RP rite?? RP, we are in small classrooms which is about 25 student. With a FACILITATOR. FACI for short. Dey are not der to teach but the oni thing dat dey do is like asking fucking question again n again.. It's juz like dey are stupid or sumting u noe.. Ydae, was Cognitive. I don't noe why we are learning dis. It's all abt talking COCK! I had dis faci called Jessica. She looks nice n patient. But once she gave u e grade, DATS IT!!! She's not a good faci! N she likes to ask so much question abt ur presentation. Ask n ask n ask.. FUCK!! N today, is Science nothing to do wif my diploma at all man! Argh..........!!!!!!!! N my faci more shiok! Got mole in between her eyebrows! Old Bitch!! She oso another one. Ask a lot of question!! Haiz.. I alrdy explain everything. N what's more, my slide, I did it wif the a china student which is like the best in Science. Den sumtimes, she ask questions, she doesn't even noe how to go str8 to e point la.. FUCK man!!!!!!! Overall.. TO THOSE FACI WHOM I HATE.. FUCK YOU BITCHES!!!! FEACES IS WHAT YOU ARE!!!
Sunday, November 02, 2008 9:45:00 PM
1 Hell of a Week..
Peeps.. Peeps.. Haha.. I was suppose to upload dis lyk last week. Forgotz... Haha.. Sori for the late and rare update! Haiz. Been so bz lately!! Aniwaesz, today was the last day of my school hols!! Argh.. Tings juz happen so fast!! I hate it! :( Here's wat I'd done so far. Monday, I work for like 12 hrs!! With no break! Haiz.. Tiring u noe... Haiz.. Tuesday, I worked from like 8-4. Den I went hm, and get ready.. My family went to the Airport to send my gm off cos she's gg to Perth to see my elder cousin's graduation ceremony. The following day was a Wednesday, the day which I had camp. My dad send me there cos my bag was like so freaking big and heavy! Haha.. Called Baby cos I miss him so much, and dats the day which is our 28th Month Anniversary!! Muackz!!! :D Aniwaes, it was a school camp that was open to the entire school. a few of my class mates had sign up for it. I was quite excited though cos the programmes were so much fun! Dey had games, T-shirt, Jacket, Halloween party, with points.. ouh!! And amazing race! We had to like go the places ourselves and find the clues! and so some forfeits, running here and der.. It was seriously fun la. Haha.. Let's see, me, aisyah, hariz, win, kennia, barathi, and gabriel were der. Berlin was one of the leaders. Haha.. We did made a lot of frenz.. Aniwaez, it was a hectic wk n I wudnt mind gg again.. Haha..
Me, Myself & I
Lydia, Lynn or Lyd as some of my friends call me. First cry on 26.09.88. Loves to eat and sleep. Fun and bubbly. Can break down anytime as I tend to think a lot about my life. I also have a bad temper at a certain period every month. Some of my friends know this as I can be very dangerous. So don't joke around. But overall, all is fine when my baby darling is around. ONLY he can control me as he is very, VERY patient! Oh yes.. I can't resist temptation!! I love to shop for clothes, shoes and bags. But when Im broke, I have to wait.. *sobs*. But in real life, you should ask my darling how I behave. I will go moody. Always! Anyways, I'll just try to type as much as possible ok? As Im aware there are haters out there, THIS is my space. So buzz off! You don't control me, so take ur comments some place else! In your world, I may be no one. But what makes you think you're someone?
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