Tuesday, September 30, 2008 3:50:00 PM
Suffering or Enjoying??
Sori sori my good citizens.... *LOL* I was too bz wif my own things. Sometimes I tink Im juz lazy to update la.. Haha. Sori yar.. Anyways, how r u guys wif the preparations for Hari Raya?? Spring cleaning rite?? Lol.. So let me ask you dis question.. Is Hari Raya a joyous occasion? Haha.. Well to me, I tink the more older I get, the more boring it for me. Why? Cos we haf to help our parents do the spring cleaning, cooking and making kuehs or ketupats! Whats more your duit raye decreasing rite?? Lol.. See.. I think its more of a suffering ar.. With sleepless nitez, tiring day wen u were tired and hungry... It's TIRED!! Anyways, I juz wanna wish Baby a Happy 27th month anniversary! Though it's over a few days ago, juz wanna tell him that I love him loads no matter what. Even if we were to fight, and I frequently throw my weight about, I know he's very patient. Honestly, I am angry wif you, I still love you lots. But it's juz dat saying I cant take it anymore, I juz wanna make you realise Im no push-over.. I juz wanna make u realise Im not juz anybody.. I hope u understand Baby. I know it hurts u badly but honestly, I cant rili do sumting so evil to u.. So wateva it is, I'll be patient n let things go. I'll als try my best to be calm at all times and not get my temper boiling.. Ok? Im sorry for the wrong doings I have done to u. Hope u can forgive me Baby.. =)
Monday, September 22, 2008 6:59:00 PM
Fingers tired
*cough...cough* *wipes the dust away* My god.. Time rili waits for no one! Haha.. I remembered clearly wen was my last post. Sept e 7th. Haha.. And now, its e 22nd!! Haha.. Well, today sch was such a bore!! N difficult u noe.. Haiz. Occam's Razor.. Wth.. I mean, y must we learn all dis wen its not even related to the course?? Rp.. Retarded People ar... Toopid nk mampos! Well, Occam's Razor didn't rili bother me much because I went hm! Haha.. Well, e prob was damn difficult la! I cant even handle it. Wth.. I feel so stupid. Den I wanna give up. Haiz. I dunno if Baby was rili acting to be ok or not. But he sound rili angry on msn.. :( Sori Baby.. Anyways, gg hm was a breeze.. Left at 12.20, reach hm at 1.10. Fast ar? Hehe.. Went to Geylang wif my mom. Bought some home stuffs, and den went hm. Dats all.. Tired from all e walking u noe.. Anyways, dis is juz a brief entry. Too lazy to type for e tym being..
Sunday, September 07, 2008 3:05:00 PM
For your ears oni..
Haha.. It may sound lame but in dis case, its ur eyes. Cos ur reading. Haha.. Well, I find dis topic quite interesting u noe. Its wat I had in Communications class on Friday. E title tells us dat it is for ur ears which plainly means gossip. Hu loves to gossip? Everyone basically. GUYS... Dun say u dun gossip ok. I noe u all do. Wen its a grp of guys. Dey can basically talk anything under e sun. Rite? I noe ur smiling while reading dis. Haha.. Anyways everyone gossips. So.. Where do gossips come from? I mean people pass on rumors and gossips for wat? And hu started it in e first place? Haha.. U tink it's easy? So how can we trust gossips n rumors? Basically ppl start to gossip in a way it is our nature, can b a hobby, or basically in plain english a busybody. Haha.. Ouh, and sometimes for revenge. But wen gossips were to pass on frm mouth to mouth kind of ting.. You will nvr ever get wat is right in e first place. E facts have been change, numbers can do its own calculations, words are all jumbled up whcih all makes up e false facts. These are e words of facts whom KPOs out der choose to believe. Can u imagine aunties hu haf frenz..?? Haha.. Ah!! ESPECIALLY e market! Well, Im not trying to say dat gossips always come from e market. They come from anywhere, everywhere and all e time! It can b in e toilets, MSN, e market, e office, at hm.. Get wat I mean? Some ppl say we can stop gossips. Do u rili tink we can stop gossips?? I mean like wen a msg have been pass to many people, u tink u can stop it? Well, my classmates tink dat it can be done. Dey said dat if e gossips were brought to u, u should stop passing it on and try to find e truth. Oh wow.. Like it's such an improvement.. "-___- U noe wat situation its like? It's like ur standing in e middle of east coast, n trying to stop TSUNAMI!! N u noe wat my faci said? "It's actually quite true. If u stop passing e msg ard, it's 1 person less.. Slowly, it will make a diff." Im like wtf?? Ok, imagine ur given a gossip, u wud juz keep quiet n wen u remember u pass it on rite? Can u imagine u didn't? E msg is still gg round! N she said it'll make e diff! Oh pls!! Make a diff?? Lyk wen?? I tink I'll definitely, surely depart frm dis world if ppl didn't gossip. On e other hand if u didn't gossip, e msg passed ard.. U'll end up being a LONER!! Y? Cos u put urself out of e circle.. Get it? So no matter wat u do, stop or pass, e gossips still travel. Tsk.. Wat a faci! One by one it'll make a diff. Hmph! I tink by den ppl oso get bored of it. It's such a ridiculuos ting I have ever heard. Haha.. So, are gossips gd or bad? Oh, btw.. Facis' HATE DPDP situation. DPDP = Different People, Different Perspective. So can u tell if it's a gd gossip? Or a bad one? Ppl in my class can definitely tell e diff... But u come to tink of it.. It's like dey're saying.. Some ppl might find it a gd gossip cos it brings awareness, others might find it badd cos it does harm to victims.. ISN'T DAT A DPDP situation?? Farah.. Dun u agree?? Haha.. Stupid sia e faci. Say dun wan DPDP. Got some team said it oso dunno how to tink abt it. Sumore got Bachelor cert.. Im more paiseh ar.. if she's not. Hmph. Tink abt it la. For dos hu haf yet to do dis topic, pls tink b4 u type... Tink out of e box. Ok?? Need advise? Ask me!! :D I'll be glad to help.
Saturday, September 06, 2008 11:17:00 PM
Life can be boring w/o food
Haiz... Wed to Fri is lyk a torture for me u noe.. U guys noe its fasting rite? Den w/o food time is so slow...... Den sometimes ppl can still eat in front of us.. Haha. But cannot do anything la.. Finish skul den go hm ar.. Cannot tahan. Haha.. Anyways, I guess it is pretty fast dat days come and go.. Juz like Monday was e first day.. Now it's Sat.. 6 days. Fast rite?? Well, since I had a boring wk. I went to break my fast outside wif Baby. We met at 2 at Orchard. Went to watch a movie at 3. It's called 'Forgetting Sarah Marshall'. It's so damn funny la. Haha.. Soon, we walked ard Far East looking for clothes.. And TopMan. Since Baby wants to buy his clothes der. So e nearest was Bugis since it was closed at Wheelock. Fish n Co oso closed.. Haiz.. So we took e Mrt to Bugis. Bought some clothes.. And den went to Fish n Co to break our fast. It was so wonderful. I love the Grilled Salmon!! Tastiest food ever... Erm.. Wai t I take dat back. It's one of THE tastiest food ever. Haha.. Den it was back again to Bugis Village. Baby bought for me a set of clothes. It was nice of him to get me one. Haha.. Tanx Baby. I do feel bad abt spending it. Haha.. Well, Im tired la.. Wanna slp n go to lalaland man. Haha.. :D
Monday, September 01, 2008 12:37:00 PM
1st day of fasting
01.09.08 marks e first day of fasting month. I noe wat ur tinking.. "Y now? It feels like juz last yr I fast.." Well, I too felt e same. Wats more, Im e person hu eats a lot more den u girls out der! Dats cos I get hungry most of e time. Juz felt like chewing n munching.. So dun tink I dun eat! Haha.. But! Der r some things which I dun like to eat. For example, sweets, burnt part of e food, cauliflower, peppers, stuffs like dat. N mushrooms! Ugh.. Not nice.. Well, I was juz thinking abt Fish n Co.. I cant help but think of my Salmon!! It's so nice n yummy. Slurps..  Haha. Wait a minute.. Y m i talking abt food in e first place? It's suppose to be a fasting month, n here I am talking abt food to distract u guys. Haha.. So sori peeps. Well, aniways, Im juz bored to death waiting for time to past by. It's soo.... long.... Dun u guys tink so? If u wanna tell me to go out, tanx for ur idea but Im juz lazy n tired. Haha.. Der r food everywer. Im juz afraid I cant resist it. Lol.. Anyway, skul is starting soon.. I sure hope I can survive another semester of skul. It's juz so bored!! Im starting to hate skul.. I MISS ITE!!! :( ITE is much more fun. No need to stress.. Nvr pay attention, nvr do homework.. Still can pass ar. I tink its more like gg tru ur own pace but u need to finish it b4 e dateline? I like dat type of pace. Its more me if u noe wat I mean. Haha.. Haiz. Anyways, dis paragraph is for u Baby. I noe my mood is fucked up juz now. I juz wanna apologizet for wat happen. Juz dat sometimes, I get annoyed wen u ask tings dat doesnt concern u at all. Like wat my mom asked in my room. I mean, u've heard it, but no need to sound s if ur making fun of it. I can tell ur smiling while asking me dat question. I noe u dun need to wash ur own wat. Ur mom washes it for u. I haf to do it myself. N I hope u can juz respect wat Im doing?? Den u started asking wer I hang it. At wer.. I mean, does it even concern u at all? U dun need to noe wat, rite? Haiz. What Im trying to say is juz keep ur comments to urself cos I like sometings private. Even u heard it, dun make fun of it. Juz makes me sad wen I heard dat u sounded s if ur making fun of me. Haiz.. I dunno wat to say to u alrdy. I kept saying nothing is because I dun wanna shout at u on e phone. Do u wanna hear me scream? No rite? So sometimes, u juz gotta stop asking me. Dun even try to figure it out. Ok? I love U. I dun wanna fight u noe. Im tired. Noe wat I wish rite now? For u to hug me tite on my bed til I fall aslp... Well, Im juz sori ok Baby? Muackz! ILYLB! :)
Me, Myself & I
Lydia, Lynn or Lyd as some of my friends call me. First cry on 26.09.88. Loves to eat and sleep. Fun and bubbly. Can break down anytime as I tend to think a lot about my life. I also have a bad temper at a certain period every month. Some of my friends know this as I can be very dangerous. So don't joke around. But overall, all is fine when my baby darling is around. ONLY he can control me as he is very, VERY patient! Oh yes.. I can't resist temptation!! I love to shop for clothes, shoes and bags. But when Im broke, I have to wait.. *sobs*. But in real life, you should ask my darling how I behave. I will go moody. Always! Anyways, I'll just try to type as much as possible ok? As Im aware there are haters out there, THIS is my space. So buzz off! You don't control me, so take ur comments some place else! In your world, I may be no one. But what makes you think you're someone?
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