Sunday, August 31, 2008 10:15:00 AM
Happy 26th Month Baby
Well, e last tym I post the latest entry, I forgot to put in my new class for semester 2. Haha.. Guess wat I found out! Pengg's mentor is still Jerry!! Wtf... Hahahahaha.. Pengg, ur luck is so damn good ar?? Hu ask u not to come skul? Haha.. N u still got dat Preman for Cognitive. LOL.. So wat if u go A's? *bluek* Btw, my class e ppl all so.... I dunno. No comments ppl. Haha. .... "-______- HAPPY 26th MONTH Baby..!! Being in dis journey wif you nothing but fond memories. I noe we haf been tru ups n downs. But no matter wat, I noe I haf to b patient rite? I can be mean at times but I will not go to dat extend. You noe wat I mean dun u?? I love u very much. Believe me, I noe der r many guys ard but no guys would be able to replace u. Ur juz one of a kind. Especially patient wif my hot temper! Haha.. Sometimes, I dun mean to not talk to u on e phone. It's jus dat Im way bz to talk or even check e hp sometimes. Dun worry so much ok? Dun imagine e worst. Jus let tings takes its course. And I wont leave u in e lurch ok? Muackz! Well, Thursday, I went to skul to format my laptop. It took a while. So in e mean time, I went to meet baby at Orchard to eat together for our 26th month.. Haha. Wanted to eat 'Fish n Co' at Weelock (is dat how u spell it??). But to our disappointment, it's not der!! It has moved to I dunno wer. Omg. So e nearest was Dhoby Gaut! Omg.. We took a bus der n alighted at Dhoby Gaut MRT station. Walked all e way to e other side. Haha. Finally, after months of waiting. Fish n Co, we are so ready to feast!! Haha. At e end of e day, we went to collect my laptop from skul. It was all ok la. But some of e functions, I dun rili lyk it la. Haiz.. Friday, I was at hm, varnishing e chairs. It was a lot of werk u noe.. Haha.. Nothing much to blog abt dat day. Haha.. Saturday, I went to meet Baby at NP. Was to take e XP cd but he forgot to bring! -.-" U ar! So forgetful. But he did surprise me though.. Haha.. It's not other den his new _ _ _ _ _ _ !! It so nice la.. Smooth, new.. What's more, it's RED!!! Wuhoo!!! N today, a sunday! Im gg to eat at a hotel! Haha.. Tml Fasting month already. To all e muslim ppl out der! Haf a gr8 Ramadhan ok?? Gtg.. Toodles!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008 4:37:00 PM
Bz den ever..
Let's c now.. Last wed was e bbq. Oh yes.. While u guys were still at east coast. I was in lalaland. Haha.. Slping on my comfy bed! Lol.. Thurs morning, I was out to Tekka market wif my family. To have our breakfast der, n bought things for e kenduri dat my gm is planning on e 23rd(Last sat). So we bought a LOT of things. My mom spent $150 in Sheng Shiong! Wtf?? But its all food la. Haha. Lucky got cab. Den we head to Tekka market. Buy all the things n went str8 hm. Spent e rest of e days lazing ard e house. Friday. I had to clean my freaking house early in e morning. Got a quick shower in e freaking cold water. Argh.. Cant stand it til e water warms up. Imagine me standing still doing nothing but wasting water? Haha.. No wonder ders a letter to my address saying dat my house uses too much water. Lol. I'll try to lessen it yar? Haha. So anyways, after sweeping, doing e laundry, hanging e laundry, keeping dry dishes, showered my brother(still wondering y im thin??). I got to on e comp. BUT! It's not over. My mom's voice called my name. For a sec I was abt to shout back. But l8r she tink Im too rude rite? So I went to her la. Haf to help her wif e veggies. Preparing it for e next day. After dat, I was soon tired. But I told my mom we haf to buy e paint sooner or l8r cos we'll b bz after dat. Watsmore, she wants to do it b4 fasting month. Haiz. So off we go to head down to interchange for paint. Saturday... Blah blah blah... House was in chaos. Sunday to Monday : Paint e house! Tuesday... I went out to meet Baby. N also trie to escape from my mom b4 she ask me to do anymore painting. Haha. Bluek! Watch deathrace! It's so cool la. But a bit gory la.. Haha. You guys shud watch it too. :D So today, Wednesday, SLACKING!! Haha.. Been doing nothing la. Went to market wif my mom, bought lots of things like groceries, fishes, bread, eggs... To keep til fasting month. Since fasting is jus next wk, we kept s much food s possible so dat we need not to go 2 e market everyday. It's so tiring la. Haha..
Thursday, August 21, 2008 8:48:00 PM
Class BBQ
20.08.2008. Haha.. Nice number eh?? Lol.. Well, for dos hu didn't go. It's a pity.. Hmm.. In e morning, ended up cleaning my house after opening my eyes to e bright and irritating sun. U know e feeling wen u suddenly open ur eyes, and wanted to go back to slp, u just cant? IT'S DAMN IRRITATING la... I wanted to slp back. Den toss n turn, back n forth.. I kinda feel damn stuffy even if e fan is in e fullest speed.. And den I heard e voice of DOOM! Haha.. Actually, e voice of 'Dooom' is non other than my mother.. LOL. Well, she called my name asking to clean e house. Haiz.. So I showered n clean up e house.. Every morning, dis is wat I do.. So girls, dis is my secret to being thin! Haha.. Hmm.. I dun tink I went to market ydae morning.. After dat, I watched e Olympics.. I heard dat China ppl even name their child Olympic! Haha.. Imagine la.. "Olympic Wang.... Pls proceed to e counter... " Damn funny la.. Sometimes its ok to name a child Olympic.. But some can even add an 'S'!! o.O 'Olympics Tan' "-_____- I'll b dead embarrassed if I were their child. Haha.. Well, back to reality.. I video call to Baby. Chat on e phone at e same time la. Haha..
Til den it was ard 1 plus which I had to get ready to leave at 2. Wanted to meet Baby early to walk ard ECP.. Since I didnt meet him for so long.. Haha.. Ok.. So I met him at Tamp int. He picked me up, n off we go.. Saliza, Nabila, Farah, Mei Qi, Alistair, Khairul and another girl were der wen we reached. Since BBQ haf not start, me n Baby went for a walk. Haha.. Anyways..
BBq starts, classmates starts flowing in.. We had a gd time.. Esp wen I had stingray e most among e tings dat I ate. Haha.. Well, I didn't rili do anything much la. But I had fun. :D
To W34D: I had a fun time wif u guys in class.. Forgive me if I had made anybody angry or sad. Juz wishing u all e best! Study hard n dun cabot so much! Haha.. Tc.. :D
PS: I'll upload e pics next time.. :) Saz! Send me e pics ok? Tanx..
Tuesday, August 19, 2008 4:56:00 PM
2nd Week of Hols
Remember e last post? Saturday rite?? I was so damn bored dat I had nothing to do?? Well, guess wat? My aunt called. She's just arrived in Singapore and needs e house keys. So guess wat?? I had to send her keys to Sembahwang.. Just to give it to her. Met her when she came out of e taxi. Had to help her with her heavy luggages. Sometimes, I wonder what kind of things dey carry in e bags.. Den relaxed at her house for a while. And guess wat? It's back at my house. "-___- Ugh.. So boring. Sunday.. Woke up, felling restless den ever.. And my mom had alrdy made plans.. Wth.. She's gg to Expo with my aunts, n gm.. Wats more we had to bring my baby brother!!.. HAiz.. My gm is alrdy on wheelchair. It's such a hassle to bring dem ard. It's not like Im a spoilt grandchild or anything. Its juz happens to be so packed wif makcik makcik hu are so.....ugh!! So irritating. Sumore, Im e one pushing. N my gm tends to make noise at me to g=follow my aunt quickly. Wth.. My aunts are walking freely. My gm is in a wheelchair.. HALO!! Haf to look ard b4 I push rite? Den ppl oso dun wanna gif way. Fucking Singaporeans.. Haiz... Leceh. Fuck. Monday.. What happen? my mom practically drag me n my sis plus my baby brother to ChomPang ar.. To buy railings! My windows are long.. And she wants us to carry it from one end to e other end of Yishun.. Can u believe dat? So bloody tiring. And today!! Me n my mom went to Joo Chiat Complex and bought materials for our sofa. My mom gg to sew it. Haha.. Damn.. Fucking heavy for a 40 yard long. Lucky for us, my dad picked us up from der. Haha.. No need to walk so far. Currently, Im like waiting for Baby to call me. He finished his exams today. He told me dat e things he studied for came out. *tank god* Well, I hope he passed with flying colours then.. Muackz!
Saturday, August 16, 2008 12:22:00 PM
Dis week's update!!
Wat a boring day!!! Im so bored dat Im tired of slping.. Haiz.. Well, dis week has been a boring day. Monday was culture. Brendon oni brought us sandwiches, Tuesday was cognitive. Preman was so stingy!!! Idiot. Nvr give us anything sia.
Wednesday was officially a holiday la. But I had signed up for e Pulau Tekong trip. Haha.. Was from 11 to 6. But finished quite early la. Went der to look around, learned abt e stages of army life. We als went to look at e rooms e recruits will be slping.. 14 ppl in a room. kinda crowded la. All e tings dat dey will be getting.. So a lot ar!! Haha.. Gd luck to u boys out der!! Oh, I also tried e simulation of e rifles.. I tink dats wat dey call it la. Haha.. It was so much heavier den it looks! Wen i pulled e trigger, e rifle juz went back and shove my shoulders. Haha. Damn! But it was fun la.. Haha.. Didnt do much la, but at least I noe wat e environment is like. E food.... -______-" No comments.. Erm exercises?? Haf fun guys!! Haha..
    Thursday was e photoshoot. I had a fun time in skul. Make up, dressings, poses.. Haha.. Pics are in e previous post. Friday..... I slpt all day long!! Omg.. So boring. Slpt til I was soooo giddy.. Hahaha.. Dats how bored I was u noe..  And today, I went to e bank wif my gm.. Ate breakfast at Delifrance, and walked all e way back hm. Well, my gm was in e wheelchair. So I was e one pushing her hm in e hot hot sun!! From Northpoint, til Yishun park.. Sometimes, dis is e reason y I cant grow fat!! After eating haf to walk. Push an old lady sumore.. Tiring but cant do much rite..?? She's still my granny. Haha.. Lots of walking can lose up a lot too.. :) And now....... I got nothing to do! Haha.. Wat a week.. Anyways, Baby went to e workshop juz now wif his dad. I hope he gets his Gilera.. *(is dat how u spell it?)* Haha.. It'll be so nice sia.. Haha.. Gd luck Baby!! :)
Friday, August 15, 2008 10:52:00 PM
Well, on the 14th of August, I had an In Vogue event, which is a photoshoot. I had fun la. It was an experience which is quite amazing. I had to do my own make up, and dressings. My theme was Vintage, so I had to find clothes which is quite linked to e theme. Haha.. It was lots of fun la. I can't believe I had to do my own make up sei. Haha.. Well, I won't talk much abt it ok? Below are some pics I took. Ders more la. But dey're in my frens hp or camera. Haha..   
Sunday, August 10, 2008 7:27:00 AM
Wateva you want it to be
Haha.. Sori for the long break. Was kinda bz and lazy! Haha.. So freaking lazy as I shud say. Well, let's see now.... Last blog was on 31st of Aug rite? That was wen my elder cuz came to SG dat nite. And will be leaving lyk on Sat. So on Friday, we had maths rite? It was ok as I could recall. Wang Xuan, Nabila, Farah, and me. We were all doing the graphs and were able to get the answer. Soon, Salim's team left. Well their team consist of Kelvin, Salim, Riena, and Xin Lin. Kelvin didn't came dat day. So it was only the 3 of dem. Salim and Xin Lin waned to go off already. So Riena joined our team. Apparently, Xin Lin didn't go back home. Only Salim. Wat a lazy bum. Haha.. So Xin Lin had to move to a new grp. :D Tanx to Riena, she did the powerpoint slides. with the help of Farah. I was so bz trying to figure out the codes for average. I was dying to no the codes for it. I knew that our team didnt haf to present the codes but I tot dat I cud do it to show dem. Haha.. It's not 'hao lian' la.. But trying to push my standards? Well, in the end I gave up cos it was time for us to present it. It went ok la, and I got another A! Haha.. 4As in a row. Coolnes... :D Well, after dat I went home wif Baby. Didnt haf much plans wif him cos my elder cuz had ask me out to watch a movie wif her. So l8r she'll be coming to my house to eat and off we go. My other cuz was so bz wif changing the dates of the flight dat she was missing for a few min. Haha.. Yea, she met her fren hu works in the airport asking him abt the flight tix. Haha.. She has way too many frenz.. So enuf abt her. We all left together. E 3 of us I mean.. We all took a cab to Northpoint. Inessa's fren is paying so hu cares! Haha.. Well, Inessa didnt noin us for e movies, she went out wif her frenz. Haha.. So instead, my other cuz n my aunt joined us. We watch e movie. It's kinda sad though.. Well, it was suppose to tell a story rite.. Haha Sat, didnt haf anything much to do. Supposed my cuz was to go back. But Inessa had change the flight plan. Haha. Called me in the wee hrs in the morning n told me to tell my dad. U shud see e face of my elder cuz wen she came to my place. Haha. She so fed up sia. Haha. But in e end, she went to Arab st wif my gm and aunt. I stayed at hm instead. Haha.. E following wk, it's considered to be e last wk for most of subjects. Kinda boring wk la I suppose. Hmm.. Cant imagine wat its like to be in a new class all over again sia.. Haiz..
Me, Myself & I
Lydia, Lynn or Lyd as some of my friends call me. First cry on 26.09.88. Loves to eat and sleep. Fun and bubbly. Can break down anytime as I tend to think a lot about my life. I also have a bad temper at a certain period every month. Some of my friends know this as I can be very dangerous. So don't joke around. But overall, all is fine when my baby darling is around. ONLY he can control me as he is very, VERY patient! Oh yes.. I can't resist temptation!! I love to shop for clothes, shoes and bags. But when Im broke, I have to wait.. *sobs*. But in real life, you should ask my darling how I behave. I will go moody. Always! Anyways, I'll just try to type as much as possible ok? As Im aware there are haters out there, THIS is my space. So buzz off! You don't control me, so take ur comments some place else! In your world, I may be no one. But what makes you think you're someone?
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