Thursday, July 31, 2008 10:16:00 PM
Bing Bang Boom
Haha.. Sori for e long update!! Was bz la.. Haha.. Well, today is Thursday. I skipped Sci lesson today. I dun even understand a single crap! Haha.. So I told my mom I haf no mood today. She juz gave me e look which I think all mothers wud give to thier children.. Haha.. Anyways, my uncle called my house to look for my elder cuzzie. Dis means dat my cousins will be in SG! Both my cuz juz arrived at abt 6.50. Haha. It's juz like 2 weeks ago dat dey left Singapore. Well, heard abt e news? She getting married rite? So e reason she came back was to plan it wif my gm. Since she's e favourite among the rest of us. Well, I had a few chats wif my cuz.. Guess wat I found out? Amir (my cuz's fiance-to-be) has 12 aunts and uncle on his mother side and 13 aunts and uncle on the other!! KUSMANGAT!!!!! "-___- I guess it's gg to be a big celebration as Amir is one of the favourite among all cousins. Well, I heard dat wen we are gg to KL for the enggagement, Amir is gg to send for a JET plane!!! Can u believe it?? A JET??!!! Haha. Fuh-yo!! I rili cant wait! Must take picture sei.. Hee.... :D I guess it can fit around 40 ppl in total.. Haha. Damn lucky sia their family. Hmph! Im so dead jealous. Haha.. Anyways, I was told to be a "dulang girl"...................... "-________- wth.. Translation?? Tray girl. LOL... Den I can clear e tray and use it as my plate for e day. Haha.. Ouh yar.. Noe wat?? My cuz got tix from a wife of which Sultan la..!! For e Malaysian soccer ting.. Against Chelsea.. It's a VVIP seat la. Higher den a VIP lei.. Den she seat wif a Sultan-sultan.. Haha. Damn lucky girl..
Tuesday, July 29, 2008 8:28:00 PM
Happy 25th Month Anniversary!!!
![]() Firstly, I'd like to wish my Baby darling a HAPPY 25th MONTH ANNIVERSARY!!! Muackz! I love u lots. Anyways, I had a gr8 day today. Although we did nothing much, spending time with u was totally worth it. Hee.. :) Well, if u didnt noe wat had happened. I skipped skul today to spend time wif my Baby darling. Haha.. Went to Dhoby Gaut to catch a movie called 'The X Files'.. Ate at Swensens.. Walked around to shop.. Well, if u guys dun rili haf anything to do, try gg to each store dat hhas lots of variety. We went to dis particular store called 'Daiso'. It's a Japanese store which sells all items for oni $2! Cheap huh.. But wen u come to tink of it rite, stickers, small toys and stationary which cost 42 is quite expensive ar. But u can find all sorts of tings! Kinda cool la.. Haha.. Well, I won't tell so much details for today.. some part of ur life haf to be kept a secret rite? Haha..
Monday, July 28, 2008 9:20:00 AM
Woman or Elephant
Haha.. Well, Sunday, I went out wif my Baby. Picnic at Pasir Ris park. Actually, I prefer Changi la. Cos it's more windier. Haha.. Wat a word! The winder there is more stronger la. Haha.. It was peaceful, we ate sushi, and roti kirai! Haha.. Yum.. I brought it from hm ar. And of course, I brought my laptop to watch movies. Sit there on the grass, having small talks. Soon, We went off to E-hub. Cos I wanted to go to toilet. Guess wat I saw wen I stepped in. A broken toileit bowl. Haha!! Wth man.. How can the toilet bowl be broken?? I wonder hu has broken it... Woman or Elephant sia... Hahaha..
Saturday, July 26, 2008 1:42:00 PM
Wedding Bells
Congrats to my elder cousin!! I juz heard the news that my cousin is getting engaged and their wedding in August next yr. Wow.. Dats fast la. Haha.. She and Amir are finally tying the knots! Haha.. Amir is also my dad's name so dun get confused. Well, I dunno how the wedding is going about. She lives in Perth, he lives in KL. My families are in Singapore! Haha. Chaos sia... Erm, I guess, they will sign something at ROM here.. Den have the engagement in KL and back here. Haha.. I dunno la. But I heard, my families are going to KL. Since my families are in small number compared to the guys side. So I guess, they will put us up in the hotel or something. Haha.. U tink?? Nah.. Guess not. Hehe.. Jkjk.. Inessa wud be thrilled by den cause she's e oni one left in the family. Surely her parents wud pampered her ar. Confirm. Just that day, she went to Bangkok wif her fren for a birthday celebration ar. Haiz. Some people are juz born lucky. :( *hint: the guy my cousin is marrying... has lots of $$$$.. Haha. Lucky girl. Congratulations Jie Jie! I wish you all the best in future ok?? Now my heart is relief that you are getting married. Hu's next anyway? I wish Suzy will marry off next. Haha. Sometimes, I feel that, that next step is very scary. Im e 2nd among all cousins.. *gulp* Argh.. Anyways, come to Sg soon! Im dying to meet u. Come soon ok? *hugs*
12:46:00 PM
Bored Saturday
Today is my first weekend since I quit my job. Haha! Yess.. But now I dunnoe wat to do. Been doing nothing from just now. Well, it's not exactly nothing la, I cleaned the toilet, and swept the floor, hang the laundry, iron clothes, clean my bedroom, play a few games.. And now, nothing. My sis juz left for work. Too bad for her. Since she's gg to miss out on KFC. My mom wanna eat KFC l8r in the afternoon. Waiting for my bro to come back from tuition. So only den we will go to KFC just next to Swensens at Northpoint. Haha! But seriously, working at Swensens can be tiring sei. She have to werk for long hrs all the time. At the first stage, she always start werk from 5-11 kinda job. Den it soon became 12-11.. And now, she sometimes work on Wednesday which she is not suppose to and starts at 9! Wth.. It's so tiring la! Lucky for me, I quit my job. If not, I would be werking now ar. Haha. Hmm.. I rili dunno wat to do now. I oso dunno wat to do tml. Anybody have any idea on wat to do? Lyk something fun to do outside... Tell me ok? Tanx.. =)
Friday, July 25, 2008 10:14:00 AM
Fast Week
Its Friday!!! Haha.. Juz last Monday was the time I update my blog! Hee.. Monday was ok, Tuesday like dat den Wednesday was ugh... Enterprise. Shittiest subject ever. Den Thursday was Science, ok ok oni... Den now, it's Maths. It's a bit boring today la. I dun even know wats gg on. Haha.. Haiz..
Monday, July 21, 2008 11:14:00 PM
Pics of my baby brother.
10:25:00 PM
Sori for no update guys.. Was so damn sick la.. It all started wen I was werking on Thursday. Was doing cashiering then, wen suddenly I felt dizzy and started vomitting out a lot. I can't take it anymore. I felt as though I was spinning around. I tot of not gg to skul the next day. Since it's Friday rite? Well, it's Maths. I nvr skip it before and I didnt wanna break the chain. Haha. So mite as well go for it.
Everything went well for Maths. Lucky I came, since I had the codes, hehe.. Salih, Marc and Zal. Wait. Only Salih teached me. for the both of dem, I had to explain how the codes work. Haha. Well, VB is tedious though. Tanx to Salih and his codes, I got another A! Hee.. :D Ok.. Now the suckiest part. I got sick for the weekend. On sat, was still coping with normal things. Went to the bank in the morning. Lucky the queue was short. If not I cant take it ar. Took out some cash for her for her dialysis. Otw hm, I felt giddy. I kept on bending down just to puke on the grass. Luckily I didn't. Waited for e bus. Board 806. Dropped at my bus stop and den went hm. Got ready again and left the house to go to skul. Had IG. But only for an hour or so. Haha. It was lotsa fun. We all had to practice our posing. Haha. Taught by a real model! Damn fun la. But e paisei part is dat wen I had to take a pic by myself! Argh! Paisei noe! Well, I heard the photo shooting is on e 14th of August. Den e IG camp is on e 15th. Maybe, they are gg to haf an overnite camp. Which is a gd ting cos Im so lazy to go back and forth to skul. Pity dos ppl hu stay in the East side of SG! I noe how it feels! Been der! Went hm, get ready again and went out wif my mom to her fren's house warming party. Was unwilling to go, but I didn't want to disappoint my mom cos she juz needs me to help ard wif my baby bro. He's so adorable but acts like a devil! 1 kid is such a handful. Ate a lot der. Well, not really la. Onie chicken. Haha.. Went to buy some stuffs after dat den went hm. Suppose to werk after dat, but my giddiness was much more painful den before, so I took some drugs and slpt tru e nite. Sunday, I tried to get up and do housework, but unfortunately, I can keep myself up str8 for long. Went to ly down and soon fell aslp. Woke up in e noon, took drugs and fall aslp. E day was lyk soooooo slow................................ Was feeling lerthargic ar. My baby was bored I think. He called me a few times to check on me. Sori Baby, I was too dreamy to haf a chat wif u. Had a round of erm... business? to make. So by e time, I finished, it was 9.30. I tink wen my sis came hm, I felt a bit better. II think it was nearing 1? Im not sure myself. So I slpt tru e nite. Waking up to a bright new day, it sux to a new week. Monday! Skul unfortunately.. was a drag for me! woke up at 7.30 am. Was a bit better but still had a runs. Was thinking on whether I shud go to skul or not. Well, I tried to feel normal thinking it would soon go away. But I was wrong. I felt worse. I bought $3 beehoon soto. But I can oni finish it after 1/4. Haiz. Sucj a waste sia. But I couldn't help it. I felt too giddy to eat up. Tried to stay for e 2nd meeting but Baby still had his lesson. So I had to wait til he finishes his class. Then, e rest of e day........... I'll let u guys imagine ok?? Haha.. I tink I haf type enuf for e day. Haha.. ;) Wednesday, July 16, 2008 10:01:00 PM
KTM.. and to BABY!
![]() ![]() I'm sori if I made u angry today. I didn't mean to. It rili was an honest mistake. I tot u were moody, therefore I juz had to leave u alone. But den u tot dat I was moody. Im not la. Im juz a bit sad. Since poly life, we haf been drifting apart. Ur in NYP, Im in RP. U always had projects and tests to do. Studying and finishing up projects are taking too much energy from u. For me, all I had is skul. From 9-5. It's so boring la. I can't go out wif u. Weekends is either too bz for u or for me. E truth is, Im just jealous of others. E.g. Balqis has lot of free time. Reading her blog juz makes me a bit jealous that they can meet up wif each other quite often. I mean, we meet up, but that's oni wen ur picking me up from skul. Den u send me hm, and dats it. Nothing more. It's so disheartening noe.. Im sori if I made u angry. I can tell cos ur always speeding ur way to Yishun. I can tell. It's a rough ride. Well, anyway, we haf talked out rite? Sori for making u angry ok? Muackz! Love u lots! Love, DB. 2:52:00 PM
Whether its bullshit or not, I dun care.
I can blog what I want. I blog from what I see. Many of my classmates have seen what happen. If ur against me, den I shud noe that ur a gamer? Hu doesn't care wat other feel? Guest: "i think you have bull****ed enough. Stop putting the blame on others and look at why all these happened.. You are old enough." To huever u are... Y are u so worried abt how I feel? U dun noe it cos ur not me. I can tell ur a guy. Guys.. always playing games.. Nothing on ur mind. GAMES... Tsk tsk.. its a pity dat u shud let ur tiny brain go to e gaming world. Well, anyway, it's my blog la.. I can type wateva I want. Its my feelings. So u can't stop me from blogging ok? I can do or blog wateva I want ok? Sometimes, ppl like u are oni brave in tagging.. Y nvr leave ur name behind? Y? R u scared? If ur not, come talk to me ar. One on one. Whether ur a guy or a girl I dun care. If ur not happy, just talk ar. I welcome comments abt myself. At least I noe how to accept my mistakes. Unlike someone.. Tag oni but dunno how to leave ur name. Anyways, I tink I'm not gg to entertain "Guests". Nameless creature.. Tsk tsk...
10:32:00 AM
![]() Hmm.. I was wondering... Was it a mistake to come to RP? I mean, I want the diploma. But it seems like coming to RP juz makes my life miserable. Haiz.. Skul is lyk 9-5. EVERY SINGLE DAY! Wat a bore! It's juz the same routine day after day. Hu wudn't get bored?? I read Balqis's blog. Its like her life is much more fun sei.. So many days can go out. Eat here, eat der.. Come home late.. It's lyk so not fair la.. Im so miserable sei. Haiz.. Feel lyk I regret coming la.. Haiz. Me and Baby hardly go out. He has tons of project and test coming along. I dun really wanna disturb him la. I noe he wants to do well. But it's really sad to see ur fren having fun while ur in skul sulking. My cousins are prolly out at paragon. Den Suzy will be following my other cousin to Malaysia. Cos she can skip skul to do her baju kurong. :( See how sad my life is? It's either skul, work or stay at hm and tc of my baby bro.. Haiz.. My pay is alrdy so little. Den I finish alrdy. I wanna ask my mom oso lyk a burden to her u noe. Haiz.. My life just sux noe. I swear. I only see Baby at e end of skul. Den he send me hm, and den dats it. WE hardly go out. Wats more, fasting month is coming dis Sept. I bet u.. Confirm hardly go out. Why? One thing.. I haf skul, 2nd ting, its too tiring to go out. Bah... My life sux!
9:16:00 AM
Family Dinner
Ydae, I went hm after presenting. I had to rush hm to do something ar. Can't tell u. Haha.. No la, just kidding. I juz wanna go hm and rest. As u all noe, I cant stand e bastard anymore. So I lied abt e need to go hm early. Wen I reached hm, I rest. Mom was slping on my bed. She's so sick.. Pale as ever. :( I think she had food poisoning. She told me she vomitted a few times. She said lyk exorcist! Haha.. Ok ok. Well, ydae nite, we all went to my auntie's house for dinner for a gathering la. Cos my uncle's hardly in town. So since he was in Singapore, why not haf a family dinner? My family was der. My 3rd aunt's family was der. My 2nd aunt's family was der. So is my cousin's bf. He's here til Thurs. So my cousin will go back to KL wif him. He's a Malaysian. My uncle is flying off today. Ouh wait. He alrdy flew off. His flight is at 9 dis morning. And I'm in class looking at my team mates discussing e problem statement. Haha. Ok.. So we (my family) all had a few chats here and der. Took pics. Im not gg to post it anyways. Haha. Was eating at the same time. So everything was delicious. Was full. By the time it was nearing 10. I wanted to go hm cos I got skul. My gm has dialysis, my siblings have skul. My dad has work. So everybody's bz. Went hm, chat wif my bf. Watched CSI. And went to slp. Haha.. E earlier part of the day is in my previous blog post. So yea... I hate dat part.. Bah... "-__-
Tuesday, July 15, 2008 10:17:00 AM
![]() Haiz.. Tuesday. I hate it seriously. I know I haf been toking abt it since e last time. But I can't help it if it just pisses me off! I wudn't want it to rest! I juz want to torture preman if I can! Argh!! My group totally suck! Monday, July 14, 2008 11:53:00 AM
My imagination
Today's Culture. Tml Cognitive. Fuck. Haiz. Sometimes, I dun even wanna come for the lesson. But come to think of it, it'll be at my losing end. Shit. What would you do if you have someone you hate in one room wif any weapons you can think of?
Hmm.. Me? I'll be very cruel. I'll tie him to a chair. Superglue his mouth, so he can't talk! Haha. Slap him with a hammer so his jaws would be broken! Poke him with needles. Big or small, I dun care! Pull out his nails one byone so he can suffer the pain that I want him to. Cover him with wax so he won't be able to move! Haha.. Dat will definitely be fun. Btw ppl.. It's not real. It's just my imagination. So dun tink Im cruel ok? Wednesday, July 09, 2008 9:48:00 AM
Stupid Group
Ydae was Cognitive class. I hate dat class ever since I changed group. Fuck Preman!!! Argh! Y must he put 3 foreigners in my group? Its not that I hate them, its juz the wrong ting to do! XL always watches his movie or cartoons, goes out for break, comes back e very last min. WX oni discuss abit, dats fine wif me. K, ...., haiz, he, I can say, is a useless bum! He wouldn't say a single ting or idea! Dats so not fair. Wen it comes to conclusion, he wans a slide. Wtf? He didn't even contribute and he wans a slide. Fuck off asshole! CY. Always playing games sia. At hm play games not enuf issit? Come skul stil play games. Den contribute is oni taking ppt from frenz. So wat if u haf a lot of ppt? Most of it is useless ok? And he's ideas are from his frenz ppt! Wth.. Fuck it la... So fed up. Argh.. I hate *******!!!! Cb.
Sunday, July 06, 2008 1:42:00 PM
Home Sweet Home.. : )
Well, Friday was Maths day. It was also e day dat i went to chalet after skul! Finised wif e 6P, rushed my evaluation, my RJ and did e quiz. Finally, its time to go to e chalet! Went wif Salih, Marcus and Zal. Took 168, den 17 and e last bus. I tink its 36 or sumting. Im not sure.. I've forgotten. Haha. Was a bit tired though.. Reached der, I saw Baby. He was waiting at the reception counter. The chalet was a bit small, but hu cares we're all der to gather. So, we settle down, put our bags aside. Salih, Zal and Marcus went home to take their things. Me and Baby styed n wait for e rest. Soon Ayie and Bob arrived. And l8r Adam, Mirza and Amalina. We all didnt noe wat to do cos e people hu planned dis wasn't der. So we had a game of 'Bluff' and 'Taiti'. Watched tv, played CS and HalfLife. I actually didn't know how to play but Baby pestered me to learned. So I tried, was a bit ok wif it but still in e beginners stage. Haha.. Damn. But it was fun over all. At 9 plus, ayie had to go to werk. He was suppose to leave at 9, but he was too caught up with playing e game. Haha. Hope he's not late.. Hee.. :) I was a bit tired, slpy and bored so I went upstairs to lie down. Baby was playing games wif them. Fooling ard. Soon, I fell aslp. Baby watched videos beside me while I was slping. During that, Salih, Zal and Marcus arrived. Dey drive der. Since we all had nothing to do, dey decided to watch a movie at E-Hub, the downtown east mall, which had a small ferris wheel inside. Marcus's girlfriend came, so does Amalina's bf. We chose e 2.15am show which is Hancock. I'd say e movie was alright la. Not so bad as people thought. But some of my frens think it was a bore. I didn't mind at all. So e show ended at 3.45am. Bob and Zal still had e energy to playy bowling while others wanted to go back to e chalet. Marcus, his gf, Amalina, her bf, took e car back to e chalet while e rest decided to walk back. We were walking halfway wen Marcus, came back and took e four of us away. So, dat leaves me and Baby walking. We almost reached e chalet wen Marcus , again, stop in front of us. Drove ur round e corner and we alighted. Haha. Fast, isn't it? So we chatted, played around, watching videos, soon me and Baby fell aslp at 6am. Woke up at 8, found dem still awake. Haha. So we went down. Amalina and her bf took over slping. Haha. We slpt again in e hall on e mattress wif Mirza and Adam. Bob and Zal went out to buy breakfast. Bought roti prata and went home str8 to shower. Haha. After e 4 of us woke up, ate, we took some pics. Funny though. Dat day was e BBQ nite. Amalina and her bf went hm to shwer, Ayie came back from werk. We all didnt have anything to do. U guys should noe what chalet is lyk rite?? We were all doing wat we all did e day b4. Haha. E food dat we ordered for BBq hasn't arrived yet. So I'll skip to e BBQ part ok? BBq was ok. Lots of frenz have arrived. I help cooked part of e food. It was so fucking hot! I was perspiring, my contact lense is dry and painful because of all e smoke. All were having fun doing different things. End of BBQ part 1 was over, I cleaned a lil' and went to slp. Was v tired know. I woked up at ard 12am. By den so many ppl was downstairs drinking and eating. Baby wasn't anywer in sight. I went down, saw him. He told me Helmi bot a new bike. *good for him* Relax outside for awhile, with Bob and Mirza. adam was still BBQ-ing his food. I tink we slpt at 2am. Me, Baby, Mirza, Bob and Adam. We were too tired!!! E next day is e day we had to booked out. Everything was fun and successful. Haha. I was told dat Salih slpt outside e chalet (outside e house) alone. Since his 2 frenz alrdy went off, leaving him behind. Haha. It was hilarious noe! He said he felt lyk a beggar for e first tym. Having nowhere to slp. Hee.. Anyway, dey went swimming for a while. It's lyk a morning shower. Haha. I didn't join dem since I had no swimming costume. Haha. So I just packed my bag, shower and waited for dem. Everything was packed by 10.20am. Booked out by 10.30am. We all decided to go for breakfast since we all had not had our breakfast. So All of us went to changi village to eat prata. Haha. Marcus, Zal, Adam, Bob and Mirza took Marcus's car, Salih and fren took his bike, and me and Baby wif Baby's bike. Everything went well. I was wearing my sunglasses wen I took it off halfway tru e journey. I didn't realise dat it was light, and my sunglasses flew off!!! Fuck man! I look behind. My sunglasses was bouning on e road behind me. I was so sad! It's e sunglasses Baby had bought for me wen he was in KL! :( Salih ride past it and hit e brakes. The lorry on e other lane drove over my sunglasses. Lucky for me, it didnt went over my sunglasses! Thank you driver!! Salih's fren got off e bike and took it for me! Thank you too. :) It had a slight scratch on e right side of e sunglasses. But it is better den having a whole of it broken! Phew.. Soon we ate, had a few chats, paid and went our separate ways. What a weekend.. Everybody was tired. Tml's a Monday. A school day. Haiz.. It's back to basics everybody. Haha.. Baby sent me hm. It rain halfway tru our journey. Damn. We reached my place at 12.35pm. I asked Baby to go back hm b4 it starts pouring. I was dying to see my baby brother wen I reached hm. Too bad he was fast aslp. Haha.. Anyways, dats all for my weekend. Actually, ders lyk a lot more hundreds of pics.. But dis are only a few ar. Lazy to upload a lot noe.. must wait damn long. Haha..
Friday, July 04, 2008 3:29:00 PM
VB... Sux to the MAX!!
Damn.. I hate Maths VB. Sux maths. Today's Friday, and today's subject is Visual Basics. It is some what like a language for a computer. Let's say if the box is red. And you want to change it to blue. So, the simplest way of explaining is lyk.. If box is green then change it to blue Else if box is red change it to blue EndIf It's lyk so "-____-.. ugh! And worse, we haf to do a program for random assignment. Juz lyk how we are always assign to groups randomly. It was sooo fucking difficult! Actually, my fren gave me e code. It can work, but not to the expectation of our facilitator. Since I had e code, I tot it would be ok, so I decided to go to causeway point for lunch. Followed her to buy things. Ate lunch at Banquet. I had Fried Kway Teow, she had Chicken Noodle. It was ok. Not bad. We decided to go back to skul taking the bus. So we took pics during the long wait for bus 169. Haha. *sempat* ![]() When she said its time for the next grp, my heart was sooooo HAPPY!! Finally, I can officially said that the weekends haf started! After dis I am heading to my frens chalet. Slping over til Sunday. Yes! Gg to have fun ar! Haha.. Til then.. Toodles! ;)
Thursday, July 03, 2008 9:53:00 AM
Damn Tired
Sometimes I wonder how am I going to survive in future. I dun even noe how to calculate the money ting. Omg.. Ders lyk PMT, for calculating payments every month, FV, to find ur future value, and PV, ur current value. I dun even noe wat it's about. Wtf.... "-__-
Anyways, ydae, we get to choose our own teams. *hooray!!* Well, it is for Enterprise class. So, Melvin and Shaun were discussing, and dey decided to call me and Jia Ling. They also called Zhen Peng in. And im lyk wow.. I guess its lyk e best group I ever had. No ppl playing games, no keeping quiet during discussions. When Khairul came, he join our grp. So now got 6 ppl in my grp. So crowded.. Well, class went on gr8. Everything ok. But wen it comes to presentation, omg.. I suddenly felt so bored. Everything went so slow. Den e stupid faci talk n talk.. Bla bla bla... I was so ever ready to leave the skul! Cos I got werk. I wanna start at 5. So I left early. Went to buy cheeseburger and sundae hot fudge. At werk, everything was ok. Der was abit of a crowd at different times. I was doing cashiering as der was a long queue. But den something divert my attention. Ders dis family which consist of a dad, mom, and son. Guess wat? Dey drop a nail polish and walked away!!! Omg. I was fucking furious! So damn irresponsible ar. Argh! Den wats more, at e end of e day, der was shortage. And it was in post 1. Haiz... Damn. Dunno wat happen la. My post, post 2 was fine. I was too tired to think of anything else but to go hm. Baby was waiting for me alrdy. So, I left Jesse alone in e shop. Sutina went on hm too. Gues wat tym I reached hm? 11.55pm. And I haven done my RJ, Evaluation, and quiz. So since quiz marks doesn't affect my grade, I didnt do it. I did my evaluation, and my RJ. Did as quick as possible as e deadline is 11.59pm. Haha... Damn. I think I type quite fast since it was at an acceptable length to me. Hehe. Day was over. Went slping lyk a log at 12.30am. Woke up at 6, get ready. Did e UT wen i arrive in class. Til now. Typing wat I have recalled so far. Haha.. "-_- Tuesday, July 01, 2008 9:51:00 AM
School is damn boring as days goes by.
Fuck. Sometimes I dunno why, but I feel like stopping school. Means to not come to school anymore. Its so boring! My new group sucks even more! Fuck. Now ders Kelvin and Xin Lin. Both of dem always do their own tings. Wth.. Argh! I hate it..
Me, Myself & I
Lydia, Lynn or Lyd as some of my friends call me. First cry on 26.09.88. Loves to eat and sleep. Fun and bubbly. Can break down anytime as I tend to think a lot about my life. I also have a bad temper at a certain period every month. Some of my friends know this as I can be very dangerous. So don't joke around. But overall, all is fine when my baby darling is around. ONLY he can control me as he is very, VERY patient! Oh yes.. I can't resist temptation!! I love to shop for clothes, shoes and bags. But when Im broke, I have to wait.. *sobs*. But in real life, you should ask my darling how I behave. I will go moody. Always! Anyways, I'll just try to type as much as possible ok? As Im aware there are haters out there, THIS is my space. So buzz off! You don't control me, so take ur comments some place else! In your world, I may be no one. But what makes you think you're someone?
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