Tuesday, December 26, 2006 2:35:00 PM
SOME PPL ARE BORN LUCKY.. Haiz.. U noe.. Sometyms I felt dat dis life we're living in rili depends on fate. Well, not sometyms.. All of e tym.. Haha.. Why m I toking abt dis topic? Its cos I rili admire my cousins' life.. Juz last Sun, I heard frm my gm dat dey're in Singapore. Cos my gm was suppose 2 go for a wedding, but my aunt end up bringing her 2 c them for a surprise. So my gm was at e hotel wif them eating dinner n a cup of tea.. Haha.. Wen my gm came hm, she told me all abt it. E reason dey're in Singapore was cos of Anuty Mas. She is e wife of a rich businessman. She practically pay for everything. Including everyone's air ticket. Actually, she wanted 2 fly 2 Singapore in her husband's privte jet and then land at e Seletar Airbase. But Singapore wudnt let them. So they took 2 first class in SIA Airlines. Der were 12 ppl in all. So Aunty Mas was paying for all of them. Due to e rainy seasons in Singapore, dey checked in at Hyatt Hotel which is nearest 2 town. E reason is, dey can enjoy shopping during e rainy season cos e hotel is nearby. Haiz.. And Aunty Mas only allows 2 ppl per rm!! Can u imagine??! Dey booked 5 rms in all.. And can u guess how much is 1 rm per nite?? Its $550!!! 1 rm in 4 nitez comes to e total of $2200. Can u imagine e total for 5 rms in total??! Let's c.. $2200 times 5 = $11000.. She spent abt $11000 for hotel rms oni!! She even bought my aunt a purse which is abt $200. Haiz.. I tink she has too much money in all.. E other tym, my cousins n aunt went 2 London for free cos of Aunty Mas. And dey each get £500 for demselves.. Additional of £500 for spending on food. How lucky are dey??!! My cousins get wat dey rili want cos dey went shopping wif Aunty Mas. Haiz.. How I wish I live lyk her.. Dat is wat I call a fantasy! Haiz.. Go ard e world w/o worry.. Im soo freaking jealous.. Is it too late 2 wish for present?? Well, I wish I had a rich aunty who is as rich as her. Argh!! So jealous sia.. Haiz.. Below is e pic of Aunty Mas on e far left, her niece and my cuz.. 
Saturday, December 23, 2006 6:29:00 PM
WHEN THIS HAPPENS, I CRY MYSELF TO SLEEP.. Argh!!!! Im soo FUCKING pist off! I lost my ez link card, made a new ez link card, no money in my ez link card, so hungry, haven't pay my bill, not enough money for a new hp cos my hp is spoilt. Damn it. I made a new card wif By's money, top up wif his money.. Soon I haf 2 pay him back. So today, I went to werk. But left wif no money wen I reached Tamp Int. Had to top it up. Left wif 28 bucks in my bank. Was so hungry, dat I haf 2 withdraw 20 bucks frm my bank n buy myself breakfast. now Im left wif freaking 8 bucks. How pathetic is dat??! Wat Im angry is I got no money 2 pay my hp bills for dis month. I feel lyk crying.. My paycheck is coming in on e 30th. So I haf 2 use it for my bills. Wats more, I haf 2 pay him back for my stupid ez link card. Den nxt month bills??! Still haf 2 tink abt dat wat.. Argh!! After all dat, I got no money for buying myself a new hp.. Gr8 huh.. Shithole! By suggested 2 check out e hp.. U tell me for wat??!!! I alrdy got no money 2 buy it, den u ask me 2 check it out sumore.. Pushing it or wat sia??! Even if it is enuf, I dun wan my bank 2 b left wif less den 100 bucks. If its lesser, wat m I gg 2 eat during skul?? Sand?! Den if I didn't buy e hp, got money in e bank.. "Can buy more stuff wif it." Alrdy I wan e hp, not enuf money, den u wan me 2 spend on other stuffs.. U call dis save ar??! Lyk dat might as well I dun buy my hp alrdy ar! Can forget abt it. FUCKING SHIT!! I HATE MY LIFE!!!!
Sunday, December 17, 2006 7:52:00 PM
COMPLAINTS... Haf u ever complain abt stuffs b4?? Lyk for example, food.. U bought food, u eat half way and suddenly u found something in ur food which is inedible or sumting.. Haha.. Wat wud u do?? Take it out or complain 2 e manager?? For me, I wud take it out.. But honestly, By wud complain it 2 e manager.. Haha.. Wud u believe that dis incident happen 2 me 5 times?? Im not kidding! I swear.. If I can recall... 1. Gelare.. I ate 3/4 of e waffle wif ice-cream, and I found a strand of hair in e ice-cream! Haha.. 2. Malay store.. I ordered a chicken porridge. N u noe wat I get? Rice wif soup.. Wth??!!.. 3. KFC.. After Wild Wild Wet, ate der.. Ordered 2 pcs of c.w. N wat did I get? Cold, hard chicken. 4. KFC.. Again. Ordered e same thing. DIs tym its not e chickens, its e cheese fries. Not cooked.. 5. McDonalds. Ordered McSpicy. Everything was ok.. I was eating, and found plastic in it. All dis, By complain dem for me.. And ALL of them was replaced wif a new one.. At McDonalds, I also got e free sundae.. But gave it 2 Ayie.. Haha.. Cos of e last incedent reminds me that quite few tyms I haf complain abt food... Haha.. So m I lucky, or cursed?? Lolx..
Wednesday, December 13, 2006 3:46:00 PM
LAST THURSDAY IN SKUL.. Haiz.. Now Im werking frm 1.30-9.30.. Dats 8 hrs. At least I get 2 cover for Thurs timing.. which is 4 hrs n I didnt werk cos Nurul ask me 2 help wif Amir's decoration for his b'dae. Haha.. At e hotel sei.. But budget one la.. Lolx. U remember e day I was pist wif dis girl? She was sori for it. N Im glad she realise her mistakes. I rili dun wanna make any enemies u'noe.. Haha. At least she did e right ting. I mean Im not here 2 create trouble u noe.. I juz wan ppl 2 noe their mistakes.. Anywaiz... Skul term is finishing soon.. Im sad.. Cos its going 2 be 3 whole LONG wks sia.. Haiz. Boring.. E oni way is werk ar.. Haha.. Earn money mah. Den save.. Hu noes can go other countries rite? Hehe.. Dats me n By's goal. To travel e world!! Haha.. We intend 2 travel together u noe.. *By, I guess we haf 2 wait til we're 21.. Lolx.. Legal for everything sia! Well, enuf crap. Ydae, der was suppose 2 haf 2 tests.. 1 is Networking n e other is Web Application Developmen test. I oni go for e first. Cos after dat, I went wif Nurul 2 parkway Parade to get some stuffs for Amir. Ayie n By tag along.. Look for stuffs ar. Lyk rose petals, print pics, hardboard, etc.. I was planning sumting for By at e........ Eh!! Dis blog is public! Nvm, nvm.. Secret.. Den Ayie went off at 5. We went off at 6. Haha.. Reached hm abt 8. Long huh. Of course la.. Stay in Yishun mah.. Haiz.. Tired sia.. Dis morning, By woke me up at 6.15. Was too slpy too. So my 5 min is til 6.40.. Lyk duh.. I was late for skul alrdy. Class starts at 8. N Im lazing my ass of on my bed.. Haha.. Im soo tired. Haiz.. Lucky ders no test. If not die ar.. Haha.. I reached abt 8.45. Den, finish at 10. Den Went to eat at cafe 2 ar.. Came in at 10.40. Not even a min, Lecture has ended. Lolx.. Dat was e FASTEST Lecture in my entire life!!! Haha... Den Care was cancelled. So, we got nothing 2 do til I dunno wen la.. Haha.. Ayie went 2 gym, so does Fifi, Ryan n Wan. Wateva.. Me, By, Zul n Shasha went 2 Mcdonalds to eat. So after dat all went seperate ways.. By went to skul, Sha went hm, Zul meet his frenz, n I went 2 meet Nurul den went 2 werk at abt 1.30.. Til now dats e oni tings I do.. Haha.. Bored rite?
Sunday, December 10, 2006 11:06:00 AM
Im soo PIST!! Do u noe dat someone can actually copy n paste a blog entry frm my Bf's blog?? Im soo pist! Y must SHE do it?? *hey girl, dis is for u! Dun u haf any sense of originality?! Y must u copy n paste it frm my bf's blog? It was meant for me u'noe, not u n ur bf ok.. Im rili disappointed in u. Damn. If u tink dat its only a blog entry, den I wan u 2 delete it! Since its ONLY an entry rite? If its ONLY an entry, can U come up wif dos kind of words for ur bf??! ARGH!!!! Wat's wrong wif u! Im still not hapi! Til u do sumting abt it or send us an apology, den I forgive u.. U better do it girl.. U dun wan me 2 call U a bitch dun u... So get moving!!
Thursday, December 07, 2006 9:32:00 PM
SUCK OR FUCK?.. Thursday.. 07.12.06. Woke up at 7.30. By called me 2 wake me up. Talked for a while. Til abt 9. Lolx.. Skul starts in an hrs time. N I still haven had my shower. Lolx. So den, I put down e phone, went for shower, den left my hm at abt 9.30. Late rite? Haha.. Im supposed 2 meet By at 10. But came late. I reach abt 10.15. He was a bit later. Haha.. Went for lecture. E weather was raining heavily.. I was so cold! Wats more Lecture rm was fucking cold! Haha.. Networking was bored. So I watch a video frm Marcus's ipod. U noe.. Thos thick ipod? Nvm if u dunno. Haha.. We watched Benchwarmers. Funny! I noe I watched it before.. But I cant help it if its funny.. Haha.. Den wen class ended, my frenz left. I was giving e attendance 2 Satesh. So me n By wen 2 Cafe 2 to eat. * wat we do, I keep private* After dat, I went hm. Was kinda pist. My gm found out abt e hamster!! Damn. She make to much noise. I knew she gg 2 tell my dad. Fuck u BITCH!! Freak. ANIMAL-ABUSE!!! Damn. Ok ar. Fine, I respect her so I juz keep quiet. Den wen my parents came hm, my dad scolded my sis abt her hp bills.. It was abt $116. Den parents talk, bla bla bla... My mom scolded my bro for playing e comp! Haiz.. Den it came back 2 me! Cos my mom tot I let him 2 play e comp. But my bro said my mom let him play!!! My fault ar???!! Haiz.. Life is unfair.. Haiz.. Wat a day 2 end.... Sigh.. Sigh.. Sigh.. Going 2 bed ar.. Fed-up sia..
Monday, December 04, 2006 9:36:00 PM
HAMSTER-DAY.. GUESS WAT???!!! I got my hamster today! Yay.. Zul came to skul early today. So I got 2 c my hamsters early. I was excited. Rili.. Dey were sooo cute!! Damn, but dey bite sometimes. Haha.. Most of my classmates were looking at it in class. Hamsters. Wat do u expect? Dey r irrisistable. Haha.. Dey are kept in e container for e timebeing, cos I haf nothing 2 keep dem in. Haha.. Pity eh.. It was making some noises too. Noisy. I haven tot of names yet u noe.. Bal n e other was alrdy asking for their names. Nvm la.. Tink slowly. Wen it was Networking class, I was frustrated wif Satesh!! Can u believe he ask me 2 keep my hamsters in e locker?! Fcuk rite?? He tink dey can breathe in it ar? Siao! Wat if I squeeze him in dat small locker? Stupid. Its not s if e hamster is playing ard or wat. Dey r juz slping sia. N im not disturbing e class wif it wat. Stupid. Den ask me 2 keep dem in my bag. Fcuk rite? He tink he can do wateva he lyk s a teacher? Well, make me! Im not putting dem anywhere! Touch dem over my dead body, you BIG BABOON! Freak shit!! Zul was angry wif him too. Fed up sia. Nvm ar. Cant be bothered. No sense of tinking ar he.. Oni noe how 2 follow rules of e books. Dunno how 2 balance it. I feel lyk telling him I HATE HIM!! Haiz.. After skul, By accompany me 2 check out e stuffs for e hamster. I didnt expect it 2 buy all e stuff today. I juz wanna buy e container. Cos my mom will scream at me if she finds dat I keep in e food container. Haha.. She hates dem in food containers. Tanx to By, I got all e stuffs.. Tanx a lot By! Without u, I dunno wat 2 do. Muackz! Haha.. I alrdy fix e cage btw.. Muackz! Love u loads, u *******-licker! Hehe..
Saturday, December 02, 2006 7:04:00 PM
SI BEI SIAN AR.. Haiz.. I dunno why life's been lyk shit.. At first, I was so excited 2 get my pay, wen I receive dem. Its soo... Little! Why?????!!!!! Den Nurul explain why. Damn. Noe wat? Its counted s e 15th to e next 15th of e next month. Den u'll get it at e 30th of dat month. Lyk shit rite? Haiz... Hopefully, it'll be a big boom at e 30.. Haiz. Wanted so much 2 go 2 e Zoo wif dat money. But now, looks lyk I haf 2 skip it. Do u noe how disappointing dat is?? Haiz.. Anyways, Im soo dunno wat 2 feel abt having hamsters. I lyk dem, but I dunno if my parents wud lyk it. Esp my dad. BUT! I decided 2 keep it a secret. Hahaha.. Gd idea eh? Lolx.. Gotta buy e stuffs man... Haiz.. How much do u tink it cost?? A small one wud do.. Anybody noe wer 2 find e cheapest??? Wat do hamsters eat? Pls text me damn it.. Hahaha.. Juz kidding.
Me, Myself & I
Lydia, Lynn or Lyd as some of my friends call me. First cry on 26.09.88. Loves to eat and sleep. Fun and bubbly. Can break down anytime as I tend to think a lot about my life. I also have a bad temper at a certain period every month. Some of my friends know this as I can be very dangerous. So don't joke around. But overall, all is fine when my baby darling is around. ONLY he can control me as he is very, VERY patient! Oh yes.. I can't resist temptation!! I love to shop for clothes, shoes and bags. But when Im broke, I have to wait.. *sobs*. But in real life, you should ask my darling how I behave. I will go moody. Always! Anyways, I'll just try to type as much as possible ok? As Im aware there are haters out there, THIS is my space. So buzz off! You don't control me, so take ur comments some place else! In your world, I may be no one. But what makes you think you're someone?
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