Wednesday, August 30, 2006 9:29:00 AM
WADDA HELL.. Fuck it... Damn.. Haiz.. I dunno wats gg on in my life already.. Seriously.. Well, ydae was 2 months wif By.. Tanx for ur 'alarm' msg in e morning... I love it.. Rilli.. Dat was rilli swt of u.. Love u loads! Muack! Wed, skul finish early.. Went 2 town 2 meet Zul. Den hang ard... Haha.. I dunno wat 2 write aledi ar.. Byez.. "-.-
Friday, August 25, 2006 6:34:00 AM
PROBLEM AFTER PROBLEM.. Haiz... U noe.. Sometimes ppl dun rilli noe dat many ppl ard dem rilli care abt dem dat we worry abt dem all e time.. Problem comes after 1 another.. Frm my guy bestie, 2 my family, 2 my gal bestie, my bf, money, work, n now frenz... Damn it mother fuckers. Pls open ur fcuking mind 2 realise tings ard u.. I noe sometimes its possible, but I cant juz leave u all in e lurch. Sometimes I feel lyk giving everything up. Rilli.. Juz ignoring dis ignorant fcuks.. Go skul, n back. In my room always.. Eat some slping pills n go 2 slp.. Haiz.. Now dats wat I call PEACE. If I can, I dun wan dis probs 2 occur, but its part of ur fcuking fault. I haf 2 do dis cos its part of life 2 get myself gg on in life.. If I had money, I wudnt werk. But I juz haf 2, cos I didnt wanna use much of my mom's money. Probs r similar s dis.. Dis is y, Im always tinking.. Tinking of solutions 2 help u ignorant fcuks.. Fitting all ur fcuking probs in my fcuking tiny schedule of my fcuking daily life.. If u get angry wif me, complaining 2 me, rejecting my offers, den fcuking tel me. Dun come 2 me crying, u mother fcukers! Fcuk.. Sometimes saying sori isnt rili enuf.. I can forgive. But I can NVR forget.. Esp e bad times. Wen I get dos flashbacks, I will get hurt. Den I start feeling sad, den my bloods start 2 boil. Den I will start tinking of all bad stuff.. Can even go 2 e extend of breaking any relations 2 my close 1. Dun take me 4 granted. Im telling u.. U wudnt wanna noe my dark side of me..
Monday, August 21, 2006 10:45:00 PM
 MESSES OF ME Haiz.. I dunno y.. But sometimes I tink I tink too much.. Its lyk U try 2 juggle everything in ur daily life within dat period of tym daily.. Den I'll start tinking frm wat tym 2 wat tym I shud do dis, dat.. Stuffs wif family, relationship, skul.. Wats more, Im starting work soon.. Haiz.. Im tinking wen I start work, I'll haf less tym for myself n By, den I'll start feeling bad.. Cos Im afraid By will tink dat I concentrate more on werk n spend less tym wif him.. Truth is, I too will feel dat way soon.. Haiz.. I hope it wont b s bad s it I tink it is..
Thursday, August 17, 2006 9:24:00 PM
 MY DEAREST BOYFRIEND WHOM I LOVE DEARLY MY boyfriend... I LOVE HIM many many... Muackz! He's e best.. Heeee... Cos he's patient, loving, caring, gentle, freindly n makes me laugh a lot.. He looks very cute wen he smile. He's not lyk any other typical mats I noe. I trust him n I noe he does not flirt around.. Haha.. He's e only guy so far hu willingly 2 come all e way from Bedok to Yishun 2 carry my project 2 skul or send me hm in e nite.. Im touched by his doing.. Dats y its him I love n only HIM I will miss..
9:06:00 PM
THURSDAY, "JAMMING" DAY.. Hahaha.... Thursday... 4 hrs of JAVA!!! God.... So long sia... Haiz... Wat 2 do, haf 2 come for attendance wat.. Den meet STP for a while, cos he stress.. Walk ard.. Den go back class.. Finish den go for PIE, den went for lunch... Had a test at 2.. Thumbnail test.. Ok la.. Quite easy... (Cheyy... Easy sia... Skali fail! Haha.. *Choy... ) Den our grp went "jamming" sia... Made a lot of noise sia... Paisei noe...! Haha... By played e guitar.. I was quite shocked ar. I shud say dat he's pretty gd.. (Juz werk harder n U'll manage..) Wen I saw him played e guitar, I can tell dat he's quite happy playing e guitar. Well, seeing him happy, makes me happy.. :) Anyway, Stacy also said dat he's gd n dat she envy me.. Tanx Stacy, but its not e talent dat Im in love wif but e person.. Hehe.. Well, I guess dats abt it.. P.S. Love u loads Baby dearest.. HAha.. Muackz!
Tuesday, August 15, 2006 11:12:00 PM
 FOOD, FOOD & MORE FOOD... Monday.... Guess wat??? Faster guess....! Hahaha... Give up?? I had 4 whole meals today! Haha.. Rice n diff kinda side dishes, Cheese Fries n Coke.. After skul.. LJS.. Clamp Chowder n Fries.. Den met my sec skul frenz 2 eat at New York Pizza!!! Weeee.......................! Tuesday.. Which is today... Me n By went 2 eat at Gelare! Ice-cream waffle! Den went 2 sat at Esplanade.. Went hm at 9.. Reached hm at 10.30.. Now Im typing dis fucking entry wif my slpy eyes.. "-.- *yawn* Tml calss starts at 8.. Damn. Ok la.. I gtg 2 slp.. Tata.. All hail darkness shit mother fucker!! Hahaha... Shit.
Saturday, August 12, 2006 8:47:00 PM
FIREWORK FREAK On Tuesday... Skul damn boring.. Cos its a celebration of national day.. Didnt do anything much.. Haha.. In e sun, standing, den haf a gd show at e ampitheatre.. Its ok for me. Not dat excited lar.. Haha.. Den Saiful came wif his arms straight out.. Wonder y e fuck he haf 2 do dat.. Saw e henna on his arm. It was Shasha's name on it. I mean.. So wat? Even if he bend his arm, its not gg 2 get affected... Sometimes I juz cant understand dem.. First, he say he wasnt her bf, now dis? Ape jodoh lah, dis lah, dat lah.. Haiz.. Den Shasha.. She even say dat he is not her type?? Den wanna lie abt dem being cuzzins.. Wat e fuck..... Haiz.. Forget it la.. Carry on, we left skul abt 10. Went 2 watch a movie at 2.. Den relax for a while.. Me n By, had planned 2 watch e fireworks.. It was pretty n colourful.. Den went hm 2 haf a gd nite slp.. Wednesday.. I went out wif my gd frenz.. Ozee n Dizzie.. Haha.. E wacky cuzzins.. It was ndp, was crowded wif ppl.. Der no wer 2 go, no wer 2 sit.. So guess wat?? We sat in e middle of e car park. Hahaha.. came back at 10.30.. Friday, again me n my skul frenz went 2 watch e fireworks.. Haha.. den reach hm at 11.30.. haiz.. I noe I didnt rilli explain 2 detail.. Haha.. Mls..
Wednesday, August 09, 2006 2:18:00 PM
CLICK.. Hahaha... 1 wk has past.. Sori dat I didnt rili update it.. Was too lazy 2 go online.. Geez, I rili didnt tink dat last wk wud past so fast... Soon u wud realise dat ur exams r due, fasting month, den e hols.. Den e next ting u noe.. Ur in 2nd yr in ITE.. Fucking shit. Den u start 2 grow old, gotta find a job.. Work, family.. God dammit. Its way too fast for me........ I rili hate it.. Rili. Its juz dat u juz wanna enjoy life n nvr grow old.. Stay happy always, forget ur sucky memories... N b hapi always.. Sometimes I wonder wat I wanna do in life. How will I manage it n all dos shit.. U noe? Haha.. Guess u shud noe.. Haiz.. I guess I got no other wirds 2 describe it. ITS TOO FAST. Always having fun wif frenz, nvr tot abt e future.. Sometimes I juz wish 2 end life.. I mean.. Y shud I live.. U born, u live, den u die.. I juz feel its a whole lot of suffering.. Haiz.. In my life, ders 3 tings Im afraid of.. 1, marriage, 2, work, 3, death.. ARGH!! Now in a relationship, I feel hapi.. But I dun wan it 2 end s fast s my life goes... Rili. Haiz.. Forget it.. Dun tink u ppl wud understand.. 2 final words.. LIFE SUX.
Me, Myself & I
Lydia, Lynn or Lyd as some of my friends call me. First cry on 26.09.88. Loves to eat and sleep. Fun and bubbly. Can break down anytime as I tend to think a lot about my life. I also have a bad temper at a certain period every month. Some of my friends know this as I can be very dangerous. So don't joke around. But overall, all is fine when my baby darling is around. ONLY he can control me as he is very, VERY patient! Oh yes.. I can't resist temptation!! I love to shop for clothes, shoes and bags. But when Im broke, I have to wait.. *sobs*. But in real life, you should ask my darling how I behave. I will go moody. Always! Anyways, I'll just try to type as much as possible ok? As Im aware there are haters out there, THIS is my space. So buzz off! You don't control me, so take ur comments some place else! In your world, I may be no one. But what makes you think you're someone?
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