Wednesday, June 28, 2006 10:46:00 PM
LAZIEST SUNDAY, STUPID MONDAY TEST FEVER Haiz... Sunday... U wudn't believe I stayed at hm for e whole day! Well, not exactly.. I did went out.. But 2 nearby shops n Northpoint ar.. Haha.. I woke up abt 10.. Tidied my house for a while, den I was on e computer til evening.. Of course I had breaks her n der.. Went 2 shops, Northpoint, make a delivery 2 my aunt.. Den, wen I came back, I was lying on my bed.. Kinda lazy 2 get up if u asked me.. Lolx.. Watch a bit of telly, den was off 2 dreamland at 8.30. ZZzzzzzz..........Monday!!! I love skul.. But I oso hate test.. Got e MME test today.. Starts at 9.30.. So, I decided 2 meet, Fida, Ayie n Ryan at Tamp int.. We all reached late.. Execpt Ayie.. Kiasu sia.. Reached at 8.30!Lol.. Reached skul.. Was very nervous n scared.. But e test was alright.. But not e theory part.. I cant ans any questions rite! OMG.... *faint* After doing it, I went 2 e skul's pool room 2 play pool wif Ayie.. 1 on 1.. Haha.. I love pool. Not quite gd la.. But at least I won 2 Ayie.. 2:1.. Had 3 games. Woohooo! Lol.. Den had PIE at 12.. Was a make up lesson.. Totally forgot abt it though.. Cos I was already prepared 2 buy food at e cafe 2.. Lol. Paisei sia.. At e end of lesson, MME was delayed.. S some of us hadn't eaten our lunch. Was damn hungry. Haiz.... Im tired..... I continue some other tym can? Slpy ar.. *yawn* Nitez..
Saturday, June 24, 2006 7:45:00 PM
FUCKING FRIDAY, LAZY SATURDAY Friday.. 230606. E day of NAFA(is dat hpw u spell it? i dun gif a shit.. haha..). We had 2 report in skul by 8. I had told Zul e day b4 2 woke me up cos I know its hard for me 2 do so myself.. So, he called.. It was at 6.20. I was practically dragging myself out of bed! Lol.. Dats me, a lazybum. Hehe.. Ok.. So I got myself ready. Left my house at 7. Reached Tamp Interchange at 7.50.. Fast eh? Zul, Fida n Ryan was aledi der waiting for me.. But we still haf 2 wait for Ayie. We wait for him for abt 10 min.. Den, wen he arrive, he suggested we took a cab. Cos it was raining heavily! Baby! Its ur fault ok? Hahaha.. Ur mulut so masin sei. *BITES U* Met my bitch at e Technology Block. Den we went 2 e stadium. N everything starts.. Did e 5 stations. Finish everything at abt 10 plus? Im not sure wif e timing.. Dis does not include e 2.4km run.. We plan 2 do it next Fri, e last day of skul.. Haha. Kinda lazy. So, after e 5 statios, Zul, Fida, Ayie, Ryan, Wan, n Me went 2 cafe 2 to eat. E rest of e kids were doing their 2.4 including my baby.. Haha.. Was waiting for dem.. After dey finished, dey came.. After cleaning demself up, we went 2 century square 2 eat at LJS.. Zul, Me n Him plan 2 watch a movie.. I was up wif anything. So I agreed. Watched Just My Luck. After it ended, abt 4.40, we went hm. I was needed 2 dye my frenz hair.. Rizman n Shaflie.. Haha. I cant believe Im dying their hair. Its so.. Not me? Haha.. After e whole process, reached hm ard 8. My mom, sis, bro n gm went 2 AMK. So dat juz leaves me n my dad. Shortly after, dey came back.. S usual, I was on e comp.. Haha.. Den e day was over for me at 11.. Sat came.. I got no plans. My mom was already nagging at me 2 wake up n clea e house.. So ok, I got up n bath. Clean e house for quite some tym. N guess wat?! Its was oni 9.30.. OMG.. Haiz.. Done wif everything, I went back 2 slp again.. Den again my mom nags.. Cos y? She wanted 2 go 2 AMK 2 eat at dis particular restaurant.. Haiz.. So, ok.. I got myself ready. Den off we went wif my siblings n gm.. Left abt 1.15.. I chose dis dish. V tempting.. It was a half bbq chicken! YUMMY! Half noe! N I finished it all. Haha.. V full.. Den after, we went hm.. Wen I reached hm, I slpt all e way frm 2.45 til 6.45.. Lol.. Den, went on e comp til now.. typing my lastest entry.. Haha.. Dis is wat I call a tru lazybum! Haha.. Well.. We'll c wat I haf tml aitez? So, dats all for now.. Toodles!
Thursday, June 22, 2006 9:24:00 PM
BEST THURSDAY EVER Thursday!!! For e first tym all lessons, were cancelled.. Wohoo..! Since, ders nothing 2 do.. Our grp decided 2 watch a movie.. Scary movie 4.. Planned out everything.. I met Zul n Afida at tamp interchange at 9. Den we went 2 skul 2 meet Ayie n Ryan while waiting for Azman.. Finished at 12. Called Salih 2 find out wer he was.. Went 2 meet him at Somerset MRT. So e gang haf gathered.. Ders, Me, Azman, Ryan, Fida, Zul, Ayie, n Salih.. Walked 2 Cathay Cineleisure Orchard.. Ders many slots for e movie we wanted 2 watch.. We took e 2 o'clock slot.. Salih had invited Tendious along.. So, while waiting.. We went 2 ARCADE!! Lol.. So long nvr go.. So went der 2 play race cars.. Challenge wif Azman, Zul n Ayie.. Haha. I cud haf been first noe! den Azman go knock me.. Haiz.. Den end up 3rd.. Puachikalatengteng. Lol.. Den play pool wif Ayie.. He got e black ball in n so goed e white ball.. Which means I win rite? Hmm.. Im not sure.. Hehe.. Den went 2 e theatre Tendious was still on his way.. So, we decided 2 go in first.. Halfway true, he came n join us in e theatre.. E show was very funny n is a big joke of many movies.. Lol.. So after e show, walked our way 2 Far East Plaza n ate our lunch der.. My stomach was growling tru e whole show! Haiz.. Someone suggested 2 go 2 Esplanade.. So, ok.. We went der.. By bus..I was quite lazy 2 walk. Dats nt e only reason. At e rate we were walking.. I dun tink we can reach der on tym.. Confirm reach late. Den by e tym, we all wanna go hm.. I wanted 2 buy banana dip frm a chocolate shop at Esplanade.. Date e 1st ting on my mind wen I reach der.. Haha. Went 2 e rooftop 2 hangout. Took pics, video of our own.. Haha. I had e gr8 tym.. Rili.. Den we all went hm.. Went our seperate ways at e MRT.. Hapi bringing back e memories..
Wednesday, June 21, 2006 10:33:00 PM
KARMA Shities day ever.. Believe me.. Haiz. Came to skul, den lost my card.. EZ-link card.. Felt lyk crying sia.. Wait, wait, wait.. Not sure ar.. Still got anger, laughter, feeling numb.. Haha.. Well, its true.. Ders nothing I can do abt it so Im not sure wat 2 feel.. Lol.. But I was quite moody wen I got 2 class. PIE was next. Since I skip e first lesson, I went 2 early for the next. Lucky for me, Ms Wong didnt ask abt dat tym ar.. Phew. Was feeling irritated at class.. Cos of some ppl dat Im not fond of.. Afida noes hu. She can hear me cursing n swearing.. Lol. Haiz.. Hu cares. CARE was e next lesson.. Didnt do much except few small kallang waves at e back of e class.. LOL. Lyk I say.. Hu cares? Left the class at 12.30 for lunch.. JAVA was at 2.. Adam found my EZ-link card n trying 2 make me pay $10 for him finding e card.. N Im lyk a lil brat saying,"make me.."Haha.. I dun gif a rat's ass! Call, my mom, he die ar! LOL.. Den was lecture.. Didnt pay much attention.. At e end of lesson, we were screen for anything against e skul.. After dat.. WAR starts... #$@*.
Tuesday, June 20, 2006 9:37:00 PM
BUMPY RIDE, SHIT THE NEXT, FUCK OFF Sunday, I went out wif my mom, younger sis n bro.. Wanted 2 haf a quality tym together.. So my mom decided 2 take a ride on e air balloon near Bugis.. N my, it cost a bomb. $23 for a ticket.. Haiz.. Damn expensive.. But, lyk hu cares, we rode it anyway.. Hehe. N my mom was lyk in a gd mood, she bot me n my sis a hp each wif line.. Haha.. Isnt it gr8? But I feel its e shitiest hp ever.. F%$#. Ydae, went to skul early, write a bit of notes, den went 2 class.. My members were late.. Ayie, Ryan, Zul, Salih n Fida.. Haha.. 1 hr n 15 min late.. Lol.. Power! Haha.. MME was e shitiest.. Im damn bored wif it sia.. Lyk wat I do is sit in e comp n listen 2 different sound samples n edit it.. Haiya.. Lyk stupid person lyk dat.. Boring sounds.. Listen 2 my mp3 better sia.. Den went for lecture.. *faint* BORRING sia... Ok, ok.. To me wat is not boring? Lol.. Went to New York Pizza to eat again.. Dis tym, more ppl came.. Cos e last tym was oni Zul, Azman n me.. Dis tym, ders, Wan, Ryan, Fida, Ayie, Mus, Zul, Nurul, Balqis, Azri n me.. Haha.. Take dat! Well, dis tym a lil disappointed.. Tables were dirty. Ask e person 2 clean it oso dey nvr clean sia.. $%#*! Tink dey high class cannot clean ar? Den my Liberty White not s nice s last tym.. E last tym was more cheesier n e noodles was more soft? Haha.. I dunno how 2 described it.. U can imagine it dun u? I was so upset. Haha.. No la.. Angry haf la.. Feel lyk throwing e noodles at dem sia! Den e Liberty Red not s nice s i tot.. Kinda salty. Same goes 2 e lasagne.. Bah! I tink I cook better ar.. Lol.. Jkjk.. L8r I burn e kitchen ar.. If I nvr say dis oso I tink e PERSON hu rid dis will say ar.. U noe hu u r.. Buek! Heee.. Back 2 my story.. Haha.. Lyk story-telling.. Ahax. Zul was rili pist wif dem.. He wrote a letter 2 dem n complaint. Lyk it wud help. Haha.. Hu cares? Not my effort in writing man.. Haha.. Den, we went hm.. Waiting for e bus is lyk waiting for my tym 2 go sia.. Bloody looooong... I tink wen I JUZ leave e interchange ar, my frenz aledi halfway hm.. Can u imagine? Yala.. L8r some ppl say I lyk 2 waste tym.. Ok.. U noe, I noe, we shuddup k baby? Haha.. Shh.. Reach hm, poof! Off 2 dreamland after a bath.. Wowwee.. Tuesday arrive.. S usual.. Late for class... Java was e first lesson.. Reach at 8.45. Didnt do much except chatting.. Haha.. After dat lecture wif e "prettiest" lady ever.. BOOM goes her ass! LOL.. Didnt pay attention. Den was wat? Wait ar.. Erm.. CMOS.. Bah! Oso nvr pay attention.. A bit oni la.. Did ans e questions.. I oso watch videos.. From youtube.. Ok.. Tym pass by, lecture....! Go or not 2 go? Dats e freaking god damn question.. Hmmmm.... OK! Dun go was e ans.. Ayie didnt noe if he wanna go in or not.. Zul, Fida, Ryan, Azman, me (is dat all? i cant remember.. stm.. lol..) took off first.. Soon, Ayie join us.. Oh yar! I forgot my bitch! Balqis was wif us.. Haha.. Sori bitch. So off, we headed 2 East Point Ryan n Fida didnt join us.. I dunno y. E rest? Went 2 KFC.. Ate. (lyk duh) Laugh here n der.. Bitch Balqis left halfway.. N e rest continued.. Joke abt all sorts of tings.. U wudn't wanna noe. Believe me. Den I wanted 2 leave.. But Zul, wanted 2 check some bike stuff. But 2 bad, it was closed.. Den we went out of e mall, saw Salih n frenz.. Dey oso nvr go for lecture.. Haha.. Was toking wif dem.. Got bored n started 2 play poking game wif Azman.. Haha! Salih suggested we go 2 e Safari.. I tot it was e.. I dunno wat im tinking.. Lol! Dun laugh! In e shop, Salih scared me wif e dog in e shop.. Well, it was leashed anyway.. But it was big! Damn u Salih.. Haha.. Jkjk.. Den we left e place.. Walked 2 e bus stop near Changi Hospital.. Den gossip starts.. U wanna noe? Kiss my ASS! Hahaha.. Confidential.. Sucker! Jk oni la.. Erm.. Nvm.. Last sentence.. #$@* OFF U BITCH!
Saturday, June 17, 2006 7:08:00 PM
BORED...My god.. Its such a BORRRRRRINGG saturday. Didnt go out today. Stuck wif boredom at home. Woke up at 9, went to e market 2 buy breakfast. Guess wat I had? Roti prata.. Haha.. Indian style. After dat, make my bed n laze ard e house.. Watch tv, eat, slp.. Dis is my Saturday's job. Working s a pig.. Lol.. Isnt it life? But i prefer outdoors. Shopping, viewing new sites n such.. Was on msn, chatted wif Shasha for a while. Wrote Azman a testi, trying 2 find a new skin for my blog. Didnt c wat i wanted, so i got frustrated.. Haiz. Bah! Computers.. Its such a hassle.. But at e same tym its kinda useful. Making contacts wif my frenz, Cuzzies overseas, teachers, new frenz.. Get e idea? Well, I guess dats all for today. U shud noe wat its lyk on a day wen ur staying at hm all day wif nothing 2 do. Haha.. Toodles..
Friday, June 16, 2006 8:38:00 PM
 CRAPPY FRIDAY..Today is Friday.. The last day of e wk. I find dat e wk past so fast that its lyk juz yesterday was Monday. Aniwaez, I was late for skul today. Class starts at 8, I was at e interchange at 9. Can u imagine that? Haha.. I dun rili gif a shit.. Met Ayie n Zul der, den bumped into Bitch Balqis and her boifren. Can u guess wat tym we went to class? At 9.25 exactly. Haiz.. At first Mr Roger didn't say anything, then e blabbering starts.. Aw' man... Feels lyk my ear's bleeding! Den 2 of my other classmates arrive. And guess wat?! He didnt said anything! God! Can someone smash his head??! He's %^&*ing biased!! Soon, lesson end. It was tym for SW anyway, so we went 2 Cafe 2 to haf our lunch. Blah, blah, blah..... Then its tym 2 change. After, that, we arrive at e scene.. And guess wat??! E baldy didn't come today.. My, is dis wat u call skul? Haha.. I find it a waste of tym 2 go 2 skul today. L8r, my grp went 2 MLC. The comp room. We did our test while I was waiting for Azman. He insist dat I help him in his test. So, ok, I agreed.. Done wif e tests, e boredom starts 2 rise.. So, we left 2 place. Zul had 2 go for his CCA. So I'm left wif Azman, Ayie, Salih n Fida.. We didnt rili wanna go hm yet. So we decided 2 go 2 Cafe 2 again. 2 eat. We laugh s we joke, talk crap, imagine stuffs dat I dun ting u wud wanna noe.. Seriously, its outta e world.. Haha.. Believe it or not?
Me, Myself & I
Lydia, Lynn or Lyd as some of my friends call me. First cry on 26.09.88. Loves to eat and sleep. Fun and bubbly. Can break down anytime as I tend to think a lot about my life. I also have a bad temper at a certain period every month. Some of my friends know this as I can be very dangerous. So don't joke around. But overall, all is fine when my baby darling is around. ONLY he can control me as he is very, VERY patient! Oh yes.. I can't resist temptation!! I love to shop for clothes, shoes and bags. But when Im broke, I have to wait.. *sobs*. But in real life, you should ask my darling how I behave. I will go moody. Always! Anyways, I'll just try to type as much as possible ok? As Im aware there are haters out there, THIS is my space. So buzz off! You don't control me, so take ur comments some place else! In your world, I may be no one. But what makes you think you're someone?
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